Wednesday, September 13, 2006


The innocence is gone-
It has fled from them and me.
It has vanished,Never to return.
In this lifetime

It is gone from us,
Those who have it, cherish it,
It goes quickly and quietly
And we never know that it is gone,
Until it's too late.

Me and My friends : Aruna Archana Savitha Santhosh and Me :)


Bit Hawk said...

Nice photo! It has so much nostalgic feel to it!

krupa said...

Was just killing time browsing blogs...nice pic.

But if we are innocent after a certain age,we would be called ignorant.

Its true that past always seems beautiful becoz we see thru the prism of nostalgia,the longing for something past us.

So let the innocence go by,keep the wonder intact.(I am so wise,its killing me)

Mysore Madhu said...

good to see the "good old photo"